About Hammer Custom Drums
Hammer Custom Drums, Custom Snare Drums, Custom Drum Kit, Custom Drum Set, Custom Drums, Custom Drum, Custom Snare drum, Custom Drum Sets, Custom Drum Kits
Hammer Custom Drums features only the highest quality materials and meticulous construction standards. We offer an UNPARALLELED selection of shells hardware and finish options.
Being a drummer myself since 1997, and a consumer of fine custom percussion instruments, I realized it could be done better.
What I found in my search for the perfect custom builder was that their idea of custom was in fact quite limited, or they did one or two things really well, but none could really make my dreams become reality.

When many are touting the "custom" in their name, they offer limited finishes, or limited hardware selection, so I found myself being forced to compromise on what I really wanted. I was willing to spend top dollar on my dreams, why were there so many obstacles?
The answer I found was communication; it is the thing that absolutely bridges the gap between a vision and product. Few could properly explain what they could offer, options were not properly articulated on their web page, and it’s impossible to learn every option available in just one phone conversation from any one drum company.
The more I dug into the process of drum building, there seemed to be hundreds of options available that I couldn’t get through any one builder. Knowing that there was a much greater selection available to the hobbyist and weekend builder through the power of the world-wide-web, anything could be possible, and any product within reason would be available to the consumer.
So my passion for a great drum set turned into an obsession to build drums the way I like, and I like options, lots of options. I also found that I loved to share this passion, and so Hammer Custom Drums was born. It is the desire of all of us here at Hammer Custom Drums that you get an unparalleled experience.
Whether it is a simple or complicated request, we will walk you through the process from beginning to end, answer all your questions, and hopefully make you a part of our ever growing family of highly satisfied artist.
Sincerely yours
Ian Hammer
Owner and CEO at Hammer Custom Drums